Signage and Listed Building Appeals
Working on behalf of Opulence Stoves we gained consent for the change of use for a car showroom to a retail unit in Bury St Edmunds.
This required us to overcome the Councils concerns that the new retail unit was outside the town centre and therefore contrary to local retail planning policy. The change of use was achieved after a retail justification was submitted to the Council. The consent allowed the company to relocate to a better located and more efficient premises.
This work lead to an instruction to regularise signage on a listed building in a conservation area on another of the companies premises in Beccles. The signage was mistakenly erected without consent, and the subsequent advertisement and listed building applications submitted at the request of the Councils enforcement team were refused permission.
We became involved following the refusal of permission to provide advice on the advertisement and listed building appeals. We assessed the character of the listed building and the conservation area and submitted appeals against the refusal of the advertisement and listed building refusals. We successfully argued that the signage did not harm the conservation area or the listed building and both appeals were won allowing the sign to remain in place.