01359 233663
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We have significant experience helping businesses to expand and adapt their premises. We have been helping MGT, who are a specialist heavy haulage company, gain consent to improve and expand their yard in Lawshall Suffolk. The yard was converted from a range of redundant farm buildings to a haulage yard. It has expanded over time and we carefully reviewed the planning consents and decided first to submit a Certificate of Lawful Use to regularise the existing use of the yard. This put the business use on a sound footing.

We have subsequently worked with MGT to obtain permission to extend their haulage yard onto the adjacent greenfield land. This will provide MGT more than double their existing yard space which will allow their business to grow and thrive, and also provides them with the space they need for loading and storage of cargo and vehicles. To achieve this we have negotiated with the Babergh Mid Suffolk Council issues such as drainage, ecology, lighting, visual impact, archaeology and noise. MGT now have permission for their new yard with no operational restrictions in place.

Picture courtesy of MGT