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July has been a busy month with both new applications being submitted to councils and approval decisions being secured.

Evolution Town Planning has submitted a wide range of applications to various planning departments across the country in July including a large scheme for over 50 high-quality holiday units in Cornwall which is part of  a phased development of 175 units. Our client is hoping to expand  to meet the anticipated increase in demand for UK based holidays. This application is part of the redevelopment of a an underused site and will deliver a high quality well landscape development and will provide significant investment into the local economy.

We have secured planning permission on several projects, such as a scheme for 20 houses in a Mid Suffolk village, barn conversions in Braintree District, and two schemes for infill housing in Mid Suffolk and an infill scheme in West Suffolk. These proposals have addressed countryside constraint policies to deliver housing outside settlement boundaries, heritage issues where schemes are in Conservation Areas and next to listed buildings and complex highway and drainage issues.