37 Homes approved in Suffolk Village
November 28, 2019
We are pleased to have been involved with an excellent development in Hopton. This comprises housing, a new village hall and village green. The scheme started as a simple local plan draft allocation of 20 homes on a small site. Public consultation identified that a less dense development would be supported along with new facilities. A larger housing development was successfully put forward through the local plan examination. The development was then planned in detail in a master planning exercise that involved public consultation with local people, the Parish Council, Borough and County Councillors, local doctors and others. The resulting planning application which was approved last month provides 37 homes on a low density site, delivering a wide range of house types, as well as affordable housing. The open space has been designed to be used by the neighbouring primary school and a contribution will be made to a new village hall. The resulting proposal provides a ‘win win’ for the landowner and the village.