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Residents and local organisations in the town had successfully lobbied to have two housing schemes refused at planning committee. The planning authority did not have a five hear housing supply, and Buntingford was recognised being a sustainable location for development.

By carrying out significant local consultation, and pre application consultation with the Council during the preparation of the scheme a proposal was developed to address local needs while at the same time delivering value for our client. In response to local requests we included a significant number of bungalows and a care home to provide for an aging population. The development was at a low density to reflect the edge of town character. To address local traffic worries a new road access was provided onto the A10 to relieve congestion in the town, and provision was made for a new vehicular access to a successful secondary school next to the application site to relieve congestion at drop of and pick up times.

As a result of this consultation the proposal was supported by the Town Council, and other local organisations and unlike other housing developments locally, received a resolution to grant at planning committee in February 2014.

Projects 1 and 2 show the benefits of public consultation and of tailoring proposals to meet local circumstances. They demonstrate the ability of the practice to work in large and small multi-disciplinary teams of consultants tailored to the individual projects.