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Permission was obtained on behalf of a consortium of local landowners for a grainstore, processing buildings and 10 silos (with a second phase adding a further 8 silos) at Ellough airfield in Suffolk.

The grainstore was designed as an advanced processing facility, with a 27,000 tonne capacity to store, process, dry and condition produce. The grainstore will be run as a commercial venture taking in crops from a number of farmers in the surrounding area. We advised the landowners on the planning application strategy, and assembling the consultant team. Planning consent was achieved in time to meet the clients business requirements. We secured a number of subsequent amendments to the planning permission and discharged planning conditions.

The main issues addressed in the planning application were securing consent on a greenfield site. This required complex landscape and drainage issues to be dealt with. Highways impacts, including lorry movements were also carefully addressed to deal with local parish council concerns. The planning application won the support of the local council and was approved at planning committee.