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Evolution Town Planning has recently secured Prior Approval for the change of use of an office in the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre into a house under Class MA Permitted Development.

Class MA Permitted Development Right took effect from 01st August 2021 and allows for the change of use of a wide range of commercial buildings into houses including shops, building used for financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, offices, light industrial buildings, medical or health service buildings, creches, day nurseries, or indoor sports facilities. There are various conditions and stipulations which the property needs to meet to be eligible for conversion under Class MA, which is assessed through an application to the Local Planning Authority for Prior Approval.

The recently approved change of use that Evolution Town Planning worked on was in a Flood Risk Zone, a Conservation Area, and had contaminated land and noise issues which needed to be addressed during the application. Despite all of these potential problems, the prior notification application proceeded smoothly and consent was granted in good time by West Suffolk Council. This process was quicker and more efficient than a full planning application and so our client saved time and money by using Class MA Permitted Development. If you are considering converting commercial premises into a house or houses under the Class MA Permitted Development rights, or for any other projects, we would be pleased to work with you to achieve your aims