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We are pleased to have obtained planning consent for an outline application for 15 homes in Westleton in East Suffolk. The site was brought to us several years ago and could not be developed immediately because it was outside of the village settlement boundary. We carried out a strategy of promoting the site to the planning authority in the emerging Local Plan and to local people via the Parish Council. The Council were proposing to allocate an alternative site for housing in the village. Through a careful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of both sites, we were able to get East Suffolk Council to amend their draft Local Plan allocation to reduce the size of the other site and to allocate homes to our site. This involved the preparation of written representations; meetings with Officers and local people; and attending the Local Plan hearings.

The allocation of the site was followed by an outline planning application which has recently gained planning consent. The development of the site involved detailed work to overcome a number of constraints. These included addressing the vehicular access which is onto a narrow road without footways or lighting. Traffic calming measures and pedestrian facilities have been proposed which successfully overcame this issue. The site contains a population of reptiles, and working with Suffolk Wildlife Trust, a scheme has been prepared to relocate the reptiles to a new site. The application will deliver a good development on an attractive and well located site.