A Fruitful October
October 27, 2020
October has been a busy month with a large number of planning approvals on both residential and commercial projects coming through. It has been good to see how planning departments have adapted to working under Covid-19 restrictions. We have had several approvals through online planning committees this month, which has saved time and cost for clients when compared with travelling to face to face meetings.
We have gained consent for the large extension to a rural haulage yard in Babergh District, involving careful consideration of highways, landscape and drainage impacts. We gained several consents for housing in Mid Suffolk. One infill scheme was carefully discussed with local residents and gained the support of the local Parish and District Councillors. This support overcame objections from Planning Officers.
We focus on providing planning advice, working with an experienced team of architects and other consultants and are able to help clients pick the best consultants to support them rather than favouring in house staff or colleagues.
The changing economic circumstances are seeing an increase in vacant premises and this month we have been able to help clients change the use of redundant buildings to new uses. Making the best use of property assets is vital. We can help clients achieve this with cost effective and practical advice.