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We are often asked to advise landowners on large scale greenfield housing schemes. Recently two of these schemes have received resolutions to grant from Local Council Planning Committees. In November last year a scheme in Kent for 840 homes was supported at Planning Committee. This month a 300 home scheme received Planning Committee support in Suffolk. These schemes were both supported at Planning Committee because of the care taken to ensure that the infrastructure needed to support large housing developments was agree with the relevant consultees. This can be a complex process and key issues are often highway capacity and education capacity. Investing time in negotiations with Planning Authorities and instructing good quality consultants to address these issues is important in achieving a successful outcome. A strategic approach is essential for ensuring that large housing schemes meet the development aspirations for the Local Authority. When a Councils strategic aspirations are aligned with a landowners development aspirations then permission can be achieved locally without the need for a lengthy and costly planning appeal. We can work on schemes of this type either leading on the project, or working with housebuilders and land promoters. On large schemes working with housebuilders and land promoters brings their expertise and helps mitigate the risks for landowners and is often a sensible way forward.